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فیلم‌های با بازی Gustavo Arellano

Gustavo Arellano

Gustavo Arellano is an American writer and journalist. He is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times and the former editor of Orange County's alternative weekly OC Weekly. He is most notable as the author of the column ¡Ask a Mexican!, which is syndicated nationally and has been collected into book form as ¡Ask a Mexican!. Arellano has won numerous awards for the column, including the 2006 and 2008 Best Non-Political Column in a large-circulation weekly from the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, the 2007 Presidents Award from the Los Angeles Press Club and an Impacto Award from the National Hispanic Media Coalition, a 2008 Latino Spirit award from the California Latino Legislative Caucus, and was part of the Los Angeles Times' Pulitzer Prize-winning team that covered the L.A. City Hall tape leak scandal.

متأسفانه چیزی برای "Gustavo Arellano"  یافت نشد. آخرین مطالب سایت در لیست زیر قرار گرفت.
  خلاصه داستان :

سرآشپز دیوید چانگ تغییرات غذایی متعددی که در سرتاسر جهان اتفاق می ‌افتد بررسی می کند و تاثیرات آنها بر دنیای رستوران ها و مردم را نشان می دهد و...

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